Prof. Werner Antweiler, Ph.D.
Research Portfolio and Publications
Research Areas
- International Trade and Business
- Environmental Economics and Management
- Energy and Electricity Economics
- Applied Econometrics and Panel Data
- Applied Empirical Finance, Prediction Markets
My Textbook
The textbook
Elements of Environmental Management was developed as a resource for my COMM 487/597. It is an interdisciplinary work that covers environmental economics, environmental law, environmental engineering, and business strategy. Additional chapters cover energy systems and resource industries.
Published by University of Toronto Press in the summer of 2014,
it is available directly from the publisher as well as
from Amazon and from Indigo/Chapters. It is currently available as trade paperback and hardcover.
For more information about the book, please refer to the
web site It contains additional information and instructor resources.
ISBN 9781442626133 (paper), ISBN 9781442648357 (cloth)
New Working Papers
- Werner Antweiler: "Carbon Pricing and Consumer Myopia", January 2025.
Ruhr Economic Papers #1140 [DOI: 10.4419/96973323].
USAEE Working Paper No. 25-640, [DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.5131794]. Undergoing peer review.
- Werner Antweiler and Felix Müsgens: "The New Merit Order: The Viability of Energy-Only Electricity Markets With Only Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources and Grid-Scale Storage", USAEE/IAEE Working Paper No. 24-614, January 2024. [DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4702939] and Ruhr Economic Papers #1064 [DOI: 10.4419/96973235].
Revise and resubmit at Energy Ecnomics.
New Applied Research Reports
- Werner Antweiler: Scaling Up: The Promise and Perils of Canada's Biofuels Strategy, C.D. Howe Institute, November 12, 2024. Also available as SSRN paper 5021359
Journal Articles
- Werner Antweiler and David Schlund: "The Emerging International Trade in Hydrogen: Environmental Policies, Innovation, and Trade Dynamics", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 127, No. 103035, September 2024.
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jeem.2024.103035
- Data appendix with simulation source code, simulation results, and complete set of figures available on Mendeley Data, DOI: 10.17632/jzfs2zt89t.1
- Working Paper version: USAEE/IAEE Working Paper No. 23-589, April 2023. [DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4417163]
- U. Rashid Sumaila, Daniel Skerritt, Anna Schuhbauer, Sebastian Villasante, Andres. M. Cisneros-Montemayor, Hussain Sinan, Duncan Burnside, 288 other authors, and Werner Antweiler: "WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies", Science 374, No. 6567, 29 October 2021, p. 554
- Werner Antweiler: "Microeconomic Models of Electricity Storage: Price Forecasting, Arbitrage Limits, Curtailment Insurance, and Transmission Line Utilization", Energy Economics 101, September 2021, No. 105390, pp. 1-14.
- DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105390
- An earlier version entitled "The Economics of Grid-Scale Electricity Storage: Location Heterogeneity and Business Models" was made available as SSRN Working Paper 3243665, September 2018.
- The research data used for this study can be found as a Mendeley Data Set.
Please cite this data set as Antweiler, Werner (2021), "Data for: The Economics of Grid-Scale Electricity Storage: Location Heterogeneity and Business Models", Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/dvn9yg52sb.1 - Werner Antweiler and Felix Müsgens: "On the Long-Term Merit Order Effect of Renewable Energies", Energy Economics 99, July 2021, No. 105275, pp. 1-19.
- Werner Antweiler: "Electoral economics: maximizing local representation under proportionality", Economics Letters 182, September 2019, pp. 109-113.
- DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2019.06.015
- Technical Appendix
- Data Files and Simulation Code
- An earlier version entitled "The PR-OAC-tive Electoral System" was made avalable as SSRN Working Paper 2778867 in May 2016.
- Werner Antweiler: "A Two-Part Feed-in-Tariff for Intermittent Electricity Generation", Energy Economics 65, June 2017, pp. 458-470.
- Werner Antweiler: "Cross-Border Trade in Electricity",
Journal of International Economics 101, July 2016, pp. 42-51.
- Werner Antweiler: "Emission Trading for Air Pollution Hot Spots: Getting the Permit Market Right". Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 19(1), January 2017, pp. 35-58.
- Werner Antweiler and Sumeet Gulati: "Scrapping for Clean Air: Emissions Savings from the BC SCRAP-IT Program", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 71, May 2015, pp. 198-214.
- Werner Antweiler: "Liquidity Provision and Cross Arbitrage in Continuous Double-Auction Prediction Markets",
Journal of Prediction Markets 7(3), 2013, pp. 63-88.
- Werner Antweiler and Sumeet Gulati:
"Market Based Policies for Green Motoring in Canada",
Canadian Public Policy 39(s2), August 2013, pp. 81-94.
- Werner Antweiler: "Long-Term Prediction Markets",
Journal of Prediction Markets 6(3), 2012, pp. 43-61.
- Werner Antweiler and Sumeet Gulati:
"Reducing the Environmental Impact of Transportation - British Columbia's Tax Policy Initiatives",
Canadian Tax Journal 60(4), December 2012, pp. 869-880.
- Werner Antweiler and Kathryn Harrison:
"Canada's Voluntary ARET Program: Limited Success Despite Industry Cosponsorship."
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 26(4), Autumn 2007, pages 755-774.
- Abstract and full access via Wiley Interscience, including technical appendix.
- DOI: 10.1002/pam.20284
- Werner Antweiler: "Estimating Voter Migration in Canada Using Generalized Maximum Entropy."
Electoral Studies 26(4), December 2007, pages 756-771.
- Data sources and charts are available on my Voter Migration Estimation web page.
- DOI: 10.1016/j.electstud.2007.07.005
- Werner Antweiler and Murray Z. Frank:
"Is All That Talk Just Noise? - The Information Content of Internet Stock Message Boards."
Journal of Finance 59(3), June 2004, pp. 1259-1295.
- The Technical Appendix [Part 1, Part 2] to this paper contains additional descriptive statistics and regression results.
- This paper was discussed by Hal Varian in the Sept. 23, 2004 issue of the New York Times: Good Stock Advice or Online Noise?
- DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.2004.00662.x
- Werner Antweiler: "How Effective is Green Regulatory Threat?"
American Economic Review 93(2), May 2003, pp. 436-441.
- Presentation slides from my presentation at the AEA conference in Washington, DC, January 4, 2003, are also available.
- The full-length version of the paper is current as of January 1, 2003.
- AEA members can view the published version of this paper on the AER web site.
- Werner Antweiler and Kathryn Harrison: "Toxic Release Inventories and Green Consumerism: Empirical Evidence from Canada."
Canadian Journal of Economics 36(2), May 2003, pp. 495-520.
- Kathryn Harrison and Werner Antweiler: "Incentives for Pollution Abatement: Regulation, Regulatory Threats, and Non-Governmental Pressures."
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (22)3, Summer 2003, pp. 361-382.
- Working Paper Version
- abstract and full paper access via Wiley Interscience
- Werner Antweiler and Daniel Trefler: "Increasing Returns And All That: A View from Trade."
American Economic Review 92(1), March 2002, pp. 93-119.
- NBER Working Paper 7941
- AEA members can view this paper on the AER web site.
- DOI: 10.1257/000282802760015621
- Werner Antweiler, Brian R. Copeland, and M. Scott Taylor: "Is Free Trade Good for the Environment?"
American Economic Review 91(4), September 2001, pp. 877-908.
- DOI: 10.1257/aer.91.4.877
- NBER Working Paper 6707
- Reprinted in "New Developments in International Trade: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations", edited by Seiichi Katayama and Kaz Miyagiwa, Kobe & Business Research Series No. 16, The Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, Japan, chapter 14, pages 307-354.
- You can download the Technical Appendix mentioned in the AER paper from this web site.
- AEA members can view this paper on the AER web site.
- We have also started collecting responses to questions about our paper in a separate Questions & Answers document.
- Werner Antweiler: "Nested Random Effects Estimation in Unbalanced Panel Data."
Journal of Econometrics 101(2), April 2001, pp. 295-313.
- DOI: 10.1016/S0304-4076(00)00086-5
- If your university subscribes to Science Direct, you can also download the PDF file from the ScholarsPortal E-Journal Collection.
- I will make SAS code that implements the estimator available to interested researchers. I currently do not have a Stata implementation of this estimator.
- Reprinted in Badi H. Baltagi and George Sumney Jr. (eds.): Recent Developments in the Econometrics of Panel Data, Edward Elgar, 2003.
- James A. Brander, Raphael Amit, and Werner Antweiler:
"Venture Capital Syndication: Improved Venture Selection vs. Value Added Hypothesis."
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 11(3), Fall 2002, pp. 423-452
- Werner Antweiler and Thomas W. Ross: "The 1997 UBC Election Stock Market."
Canadian Business Economics 6(2), April 1998, pp. 15-22
- Werner Antweiler: "The Pollution Terms of Trade."
Economic Systems Research 8(4), 1996, pp. 361-365.
Book Chapters
- Werner Antweiler: "The Future Demand and Supply of Critical Minerals", in in Philippe D. Tortell: "Heavy Metal: Earth's Minerals and the Future of Sustainable Societies", Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2024, pp. 17-30, DOI: 10.11647/OBP.0373.
- Werner Antweiler: "Climate Change", in James A. Brander: "Government Policy, Business, and Society", 6th edition, chapter 7, Independently Published, September 2023, ISBN: 979-8861169493.
- Werner Antweiler: "Environmental Policies", in James A. Brander: "Government Policy, Business, and Society", 6th edition, chapter 8, Independently Published, September 2023, ISBN: 979-8861169493.
- Werner Antweiler and James A. Brander: "Natural Resources", in James A. Brander: "Government Policy, Business, and Society", 6th edition, chapter 9, Independently Published, September 2023, ISBN: 979-8861169493.
- Werner Antweiler and Kathryn Harrison: "Environmental Regulatory Incentives
Underlying Canadian Industrial Performance," in Zhiqi Chen and Mark Duhamel (eds):
"Industrial Organization in Canada: Empirical Evidence and Policy Challenges,"
McGill-Queen's University Press, chapter 10, February 2011, pp. 339-403.
- Werner Antweiler: "Standardization and Technical Barriers To Trade: Will standards become instruments of protectionism?" in: Sherrie Bolin (ed.): The Standards Edge: Unifier or Divider?, Sheridan Books, 2010. ISBN 0-9748648-5-4.
Older Working Papers
- Werner Antweiler and Sumeet Gulati: "Frugal Cars or Frugal Drivers? How carbon and fuel taxes influence the choice and use of cars",
SSRN Working Paper 2778868,
May 2016. Presented at the CEA 2016 conference in Ottawa and at the European Association for Environmental and Resource Economics EAERE 2016 conference
in Zurich, both in June 2016. This paper has stalled due to the discontinuation of the monthly gasoline sales data by Statistics Canada, which prevented us from updating our empirical analysis.
- Werner Antweiler: "What is the optimal policy mix for adaptation and mitigation?", September 2015. An earlier version of this paper was released as SSRN working paper 1802857. Current version available upon request. This work has been superseded by a new paper presented first at the CEA 2019 conference in Banff.
Book Reviews
- "Handbook on International Trade Policy", edited by
William A. Kerr and James Gasiford, Cheltenham,
Edward Elgar, 2007.
Journal of International Trade and Development
17(3), September 2008, 463-466.
- "The Economics of International Trade and the Environment",
edited by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal and Hamid Beladi, Lewis
Publishers, Boca Raton, 2001.
International Review of Economics and Finance 11(4),
2002, pp. 449-450.
Articles (Computer Science)
- Werner Antweiler: "Ein Backpropagation Netzwerksimulator als
konnektionistisches Expertensystem." Wirtschaftsinformatik 33(5),
October 1991, pp. 398-407.
- Werer Antweiler, Andreas Strotmann, and Volker Winkelmann: "The TeX-REDUCE-Interface."
ACM Special Interest Group on Symbolic & Algebraic
Manipulation 23(2), April 1989, pp. 26-31
My author profile on Google Scholar
© 2025
Prof. Werner Antweiler, University of British Columbia.
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